
Unit One: Introducing Geography (5 weeks)
Covering the five themes of geography, cartography, contemporary geographic tools, and map skills.
Aug 5 - September 6
Geographic Focus: Central and Eastern Asia
Text: Prisoners of Geography (277 pages)
September 6- map quiz over Central and Eastern Asia, passion projects due, unit quiz due

Unit Two: Population and Migration (5 weeks)
Covering population distribution, trends and contributing factors, movement and contributing factors, urbanization, and US and global migrant and refugee policy.
September 9 -October 11
Geographic Focus: Central and South America
Text: Violent Borders   (180 pages)   
October 11 - map quiz over Central and South America, passion projects due, unit quiz due

Unit Three: World Religions (6 weeks)
Covering the major tenets, distribution, use of space, and internal and global conflicts of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism,  and Buddhism.
October 14- November 22
Geographic Focus: Middle East and Southwest Asia
Text: The World's Religions (392 pages)
November 22- map quiz over Middle East and Southwest Asia, passion projects due, unit quiz due

MIDTERM EXAM NOVEMBER 22nd- includes a cumulative maps portion

Text: Articulate While Black (200 pages)
Geographic Focus: Europe 

Unit Four: Language (2 weeks)
Covering language origins, branches, diffusion, trends, dialects, and endangered languages.
January 6-January 17
Geographic Focus: Europe
Text: Foreign to Familiar (128 pages)
January 17th- map quiz for Europe, passion projects due, unit quiz due

Unit Five: Race and Ethnicity (4weeks)
Covering the difference between race and ethnicity, ethnic distribution, race issues in the United States, and global ethnic conflict and genocide
January 20th- Febuary17th
Geographic Focus: North America
Text: So You Want to Talk About Race  (250 pages)
February 17th: map quiz for North America including 50 states, passion project due, unit quiz due

Unit Six: Political Geography 
Covering the defining factors of statehood, legacies of colonialism, determining and enforcing borders, statelessness, types of governments, electoral geography in the US, and domestic and international terrorism.
February 24th- March 27th
Geography Focus: North, Central, and West Africa
Text: Terrorism A History (partial text, 234 pages)
March 27th: map quiz for North, Central and West Africa, passion project due, unit quiz due


Unit Seven: Globalization and Economics (5 weeks)
Covering the Human Development Index (income, healthcare, education) and contributing factors, understanding economic inequalities, industry distribution,  resource distribution, global trade routes, economic -isms, markets, sustainability and fair trade.
April 13th- May 15th
Geography Focus: East, Equatorial, and South Africa 
Text: Illicit (281 pages)
May 15th- map quiz for East, Equatorial and South Africa & passion project due, unit quiz due

FINAL EXAM APRIL 30TH! - includes a cumulative maps portion

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Week 2 August 14-21

LOOKING AT MAPS “Maps are like milk: their information is perishable , and it is wise to check the date.”  “Like guns and crosses, m...