Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Week 2 August 14-21


“Maps are like milk: their information is perishable, and it is wise to check the date.”

 “Like guns and crosses, maps can be good or bad, depending on who’s holding them, who they’re aimed at, how they’re used, and why"

Mark Monmoneir, Syracuse University of Geography
Author of How to Lie with Maps

Take a few minutes to explore this mapping tool which helps show the problems with the Mercator map. What happens when you type in Russia and move that country south to the equator? What happens when you type in Dem. Rep. Congo and move it north over Europe? What happens when you move Brasil over the United States?

How do the maps you look at shape the way you see the world?

South-up Peters projection. Daniel R. Strebe, CC BY-SA
South Up? 

North is up, right? Only by convention. There’s no scientific reason why north is any more up than south. Equally, we could do east-up, west-up or any other compass bearing. Purposefully reversing the typical way world maps are drawn has a similar political effect to using the Peters projection, putting more developing countries in the generally poorer southern hemisphere at the top of the map and so giving them greater significance.

But some of the first known world maps put south at the top as a matter of course. For example, in 1154 Arab geographer Muhammad al-Idrisi drew a south-up map of Europe, Asia and northern Africa for his book the Tabula Rogeriana. The Arabian Peninsula can be seen in the center of the map but, of course, pointing upwards rather than the more familiar downwards.

1927 recreation of the Tabula Rogeriana. Muhammad al-Idrisi/Konrad Miller


Another convention of world maps is that they are centered on the prime meridian, or zero degrees longitude (east-west). But this is scientifically arbitrary, deriving from the location of the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London. The result is that Europe (although also Africa) is in the center of the conventional world map – a rather colonial perspective.

Pacific-centered map. DEMIS Mapserver/Wikimedia

The familiar meridian-centered map conveniently places the map edges down the middle of the Pacific Ocean so no continent is chopped in two. But maps centered on the Pacific Ocean also work well because the edges of the map conveniently run down the middle of the Atlantic. This places east Asia in a more prominent position and pushes Europe to the edge. Much of Oceania and Asia uses Pacific-centered maps. (American-centered maps are also in use, but these have the unfortunate consequence of partitioning Asia to either side of the map.)
Our meridian-centered view of the world shapes how we refer to world regions. “Far East”, for example, implies far from Greenwich, London. Seeing Europe on the left of a map and the Americas on the right can seem counter-intuitive, but it is just as correct as any other arbitrary chop point. The world is, after all, round.

Azimuthal polar projection

Azimuthal equidistant projection. Daniel R. Strebe, CC BY-SA

All the projections we’ve discussed so far tend to put one continent in the middle of the map, giving it greater prominence over the others. An alternative is to place the North Pole in the centre. It is strangely disorienting to gaze on the world from a polar perspective. The lower hemisphere should be hidden from view by the curve of the Earth because you can only see half a sphere at a time.
But on the azimuthal polar projection from the north, the southern hemisphere has been pulled into view on the page, with the consequence that Antarctica centrifuges into a doughnut around the edge of the circular map. This highlights the disadvantage of the projection as it distorts both the area and shape of landmasses, but distances from the North Pole are accurate in all directions, with those further from the centre becoming more enlarged on their east-west axis.

UN logo. United Nations

This “azimuthal” polar projection is depicted on the United Nations flag. North America was prominent on the initial 1945 UN flag (which had the longitude line 90 degrees west pointing upwards). The following year, the map on the flag was reoriented to be more neutral by having the international date line (180 degrees east, lying in the middle of the Pacific Ocean) pointing upwards. The map stops at latitude 60 degrees south, meaning Antarctica does not appear.

Credit to Donald Houston from the University of  Portsmouth for this article. 

This week you should continue working on your regional maps and areas of interest for Unit 1.
Read: Prisoners of Geography chapters 3 and 4

Check the news: Find a recent news or magazine article (within the last 90 days) about one of the countries we are studying in unit 1.  In the comments of this post write a 2-3 sentence synopsis of the article and another 2-3 sentences on why you think the story was interesting or important.  Provide the link to the article in your comment.  You must choose a story on a different subject or from the opposing perspective of one posted by your classmates.  

Review it!
Lecture 2

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Week 1 August 5th-12th

Why study Geography?

It includes the study of our planet and of occurrences in nature.
Geography consists of the study of our planet, its climatic conditions, the various landforms on Earth, and the different natural occurrences. It includes the spatial analysis of human and natural phenomena, the exploration of earth sciences, and the study of the relationship between nature and human life. The study of geography includes the analysis of social, economic, and environmental processes that affect nature.

It involves the study of people.
The geography of a region affects the lifestyle of its inhabitants. The geographical conditions of a region influence its culture. They have a deep impact on the social and cultural norms of people. The geography of a region has a direct effect on the art forms, the literature, the food habits, and the celebrations and traditions of the people that inhabit it. The study of geography lets us understand the distribution of people around the world and the differences in their ways of living.

It includes the study of natural resources.
The natural wealth of a region owes its existence to the region's geographical conditions. The geographical location of a region influences its climate, which in turn influences the life forms that can thrive in that region. Why does oil come from Saudi Arabia? Why are China and India the largest producers of rice? Why do camels populate the African terrains and polar bears inhabit the Arctic? Why is the deciduous forest biome in parts of America, Asia, Europe, Africa, and Australia? Why are rainforests found in the equatorial regions? It is all because of the diverse geographical conditions around the world. Thus, the study of geography answers several interesting questions about the availability and distribution of resources and life forms.

It is key to development.
The geological features vary across different parts of the globe. Why are certain regions more prone to earthquakes than the others? Why some regions experience snowfall while others don't? What are the types of soil found in various regions? The answers to such questions and the knowledge of landforms and altitudes is included in geology, a field that is closely linked with geography. Its study helps us know the natural disasters a region is prone to, thereby helping us take the required preventive measures. It is of help to man in planning the building of dams and electricity projects. It is of use in planning the development of businesses and trade.

It helps us visualize the world.
The study of geography includes understanding the locations of various territories and countries. It includes studying the organization of landmasses and water bodies across the globe. Maps, an important part of the study of geography, help us locate places on the globe. Their study helps us form a mental image of the distances and locations of various regions on the planet. As geography helps us gauge distances and locate places on Earth, it helps improve our navigation skills.

It helps us appreciate life.
Studying geography helps us appreciate the diversity in life forms. It exposes us to various ecology issues and environmental concerns. It helps us understand how nature influences life. It lets us know how cultures take shape. It enables us to know how civilizations are born. It helps us understand the interaction between natural components and human beings.

This week you should familiarize yourself with the syllabus and spend the majority of your time working through the Unit 1 blog post, familiarize yourself with the countries, think about what country or region will be the focus of your project and what you would like to do.  At the top of the blog you will find a "Project Ideas" page to help you get started.  You are not limited to these ideas! Feel free to design your own project. 

Read: Prisoners of Geography the introduction through chapter 2. (67 pages) Before you read, check out the background notes below.
Background notes
The following are mentioned in this week's reading.  Take a few minutes to learn more about them.

Check the news: Find a recent news or magazine article (within the last 90 days) about one of the countries we are studying in unit 1.  In the comments of this post write a 2-3 sentence synopsis of the article and another 2-3 sentences on why you think the story was interesting or important.  Provide the link to the article in your comment.  You must choose a story on a different subject or from the opposing perspective of one posted by your classmates.

Review it! 
Lecture 1

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Unit 1

For unit one we will be focusing on Central and Eastern Asia.You will have six weeks for this unit.
All the countries and geographical features have been hyperlinked for you to easily  access more information.  You must explore the links and write two interesting facts for each country. You must also be able to lable a map of the region from memory by the end of this unit.

Central Asia consists of the countries of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan. In addition to labeling the countries (bonus points if you can name the capitals), you will need to be able to label the following on an outline map of the region: Caspian Sea, Aral Sea, Amu Darya (river), Syr Darya (river), and the Tie Shan Mountains.

Eastern Asia is often divided into two regions.  Breaking them up this way may help you study without becoming overwhelmed. Remember, you have six weeks, but DONT try and wait until the last minute. Work a little every day.

Northern Asia contains Mongolia, China, Macau, Hong Kong, North Korea, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan.  For this region you will need to be able to label the Huang He River, the Yangtze River, Sea of Japan, East China Sea, Tibetan Plateau, and the Gobi Desert

South East Asia consists of the countries of Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and East Timor.  For this area you will need to be able to identify the South China Sea and the Mekong River, and Angkor Wat

SETERRA GAME play here

 1941-1945 Pacific War (6min)
 1950-1953  Korean War (5min)
 1965-1973 Vietnam War (5 min)
World Heritage sites in  China:
Forbidden City
The Great Wall
Terracotta Warriors
The Grand Canal

World Heritage sites in Indonesia:
Sangiran Early Man Site
Borobudur Temple Compounds
**Bali Temples of Besakih

World Heritage sites in Japan:
 Mt. Fujisan
Hiroshima Peace Memorial
**The Great Buddha of Kamakura

World Heritage sites in Kazakhstan:
Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi
Tamgaly Petroglyphs

World Heritage sites in Kyrgyzstan:
Silk Roads
Western Tien-Shan

World Heritage sites in Malaysia:
Guonung Mulu National Park
Lenggong Valley Archeology Site

World Heritage sites in Mongolia:
Orkhon Valley Cultural Site-Capital of Genghis Khan's empire.
Burkhan Khaldun Mountain- Sacred birth and burial site of Genghis Khan

World Heritage sites in the Philippines:
 Mt. Hamiguitan Wildlife Sanctuary
Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River National Park

World Heritage sites in the Republic of Korea:
Tripitaka Koreana Woodblocks
Seokgura Grotto & Bulguksa Temple

World Heritage sites in Tajikistan:
Proto-urban Site of Sarazm
Tajik National Park

World Heritage sites in Thailand:
Thungyai-Huai Wildlife Sanctuary
Ban Chiang Archaeological Site

 World Heritage sites in Turkmenistan:
Ancient Merv
Parthian Fortresses of Nisa

World Heritage sites in Uzbekistan:
Itchan Kala
Samarkand-Crossroad of Cultures

World Heritage sites in Vietnam:
 Imperial Citadel of Hanoi
Complex of Hue Monuments

This is my favorite tool for memorizing places on a map. The program is free to download to your computer or you may download the app to your Apple or Android device from the App Store.

GeoBee Challenge
This is a great quizzing game to help you learn all kinds of geographic information.  It's not easy, but you will learn a lot. Play online or on your devices. Available free through the App Store and Google Play.

Geo Bee Now
You cant access this one on your computer, but you can find it free in both the Apple and Google Play app stores.  Much like the Geo Bee Challenge, but this one lets you challenge your friend so you can learn together.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Classes start August 5th!

Welcome to Human Geography! This is my favorite class to teach as it encompasses a little of everything I love.  Geography study ties into almost every topic. Are you fascinated by exotic places? Different cultures?  Foods? Religions?  Languages? Art? Politics? Economics? National security? Statistics? Computer technology? Social media? Medicine? Literature? The environment? Social justice?

Human geography covers all of these and more!

As we study this year you will learn a little in each of the areas mentioned above, but most importantly, you will be able to customize your education and see how to use your passions, whatever they may be, to explore the world around you. The world is so much bigger, complex, and beautiful than we can even imagine.  I cant give you the world in this class, but I can help open a window into it so you can place yourself in the bigger picture. 

So what exactly is geography anyway? I bet you always thought it was just about being able to identify countries, mountain ranges, rivers, and bays on a map.  That's what most people think.  But as we have already mentioned, geography is so much more. Geography is the study of where things are found on or near the earth's surface, why they are there, and how they are changing.  "Things" is a pretty vague term,  I know, but as you can see here  →
almost everything can be studied geographically, and almost everything connects to everything else spatially.  This is why I love geography. My interests in all other areas changes, but they all meet right here.

So what will this class look like?
We will cover seven major units this year.  Each multi-week unit will look at a theme in human geography (cartography, populations, religions etc.) and each unit will have a geographical region of study.  I'll talk more about the themes in a minute, but first lets talk about our regional studies.

When studying a region you will need to memorize and be able to place every country and major land feature and landmark in that region on a blank outline map. You can memorize that information any way you like.  I like to use a free online program called Seterra.  It is a game like interface and is a great resource. You can use it online, or download the app to your apple or android devices https://online.seterra.com/en. Memorizing this information will take time, but you can do it in just a few minutes each day.

Now for the part that you customize!  For each region you can pick ANYTHING you would like to focus on in that region for your unit project.
Do you like to cook? Try several recipes from one country or all of them.
Are you fascinated by military conflicts? Research past and present conflicts and prepare a power-point presentation to share with your family at the end of the unit.

Is medicine your thing?  What are the most common medical issues in the region? How are they being addressed?  What would be the most interesting way for you to share your findings?

Music? Learn to play some.

Literature? Read something by the country/region's most famous author or a modern fiction piece set in the culture.

Languages? Learn to speak a little.

You get the idea.  Follow your passions and see how they fit geographically to individual countries, or to the whole region.  You have a lot of free reign here. 

Ok, so what about the themes?  Over the course of the year we will study cartography, demographics,  religion, language, ethnicity and race, culture, politics, and economics.  Each unit will have a corresponding non-fiction book you will need to read during that unit.  Chapters will be assigned each week. Discussion is a huge part of this class, so be sure you are talking to people about what you are learning.  You will not have to read any type of text book  All the key information that would be covered in one of those will be presented through slides and videos linked to the weekly blog posts.  Take notes. There will be a midterm and final exam. The week before the exams you will have access to review pages that should be filled in and turned in to your parents before the tests.

Also note that there are pages with recommended literature and films. These are optional, but I highly recommend you use these resources to deepen your study and appreciation of the world.

I hope you have a great year!
Ms. Desmond

Week 2 August 14-21

LOOKING AT MAPS “Maps are like milk: their information is perishable , and it is wise to check the date.”  “Like guns and crosses, m...